Changes For Your Better Health

I hope you are all having a good week. Today I was  looking at a photo I took this week that shows my garden cut into light and darker areas. It made me think that sometimes darkness can overcome people but all it needs is to let a little chink of light in to start […]

Weight loss for Dummies – that includes me!

I decided this week to treat myself to a workshop with a lot of life coaching and hypnotherapy included. It was to set me on my path to lose weight. It was run by Gillian who I would highly recommend. She can be found here. It’s interesting what you learn about yourselves on this course. […]

Time Changes Thoughts

What a difference a month makes. My last post spoke about my burglary so I thought I would give you a little update. The police caught the thief and called me to say they might have some of my jewellery. They asked if I had someone past or present with the name Daisy. That was  […]

Sometimes It’s Okay To Not Be Okay

Last week at work I spoke with a husband whose wife had left their 18month baby alone in the bath. The baby has been in a coma for 3 months and is now brain damaged and on breathing and suction machines. I wanted to put out my arms to hug him. What an awful thing […]

Now Is The Time To Spring Into Action!

Today I was out walking my dogs and a thought came to me. Now is the time the buds are growing on the trees and the bulbs are popping up through the ground although some are already in flower.  I thought what makes them different to us? Come New Years day people think of their […]

Don’t Wait – Make Your Life Count Now!

I speak to people with health issues every day. Interestingly, many of those that are the most positive have pets. It could be dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, even down to stick insects.  I have 2 dogs and even on days like today when we come back home soaked it was good to get out and […]


This morning as I was leaving for work I stood outside my door mesmerized at the stillness with only the sound of the birds. There were no cars driving down the road and no other distractions, just the sound of the birds. It was if I was caught in a moment of time. When I […]


Have you ever wondered how you got to where you are today? I was looking through the photos on my phone and came across one of me taken last year. The interesting thing is it is a mirror likeness of my Mum and made me think of her. My mum was often ill whilst I […]

Say No to Dakota access pipeline

Today I went out of my comfort zone. I raised my first ever campaign. I felt so strongly about what is happening to the Indians in Dakota and felt I needed to do more. I would also ask that you to sign and share this if  you can. If it does not allow you to […]

Share the intention for PEACE and RESOLUTION for the WATER PROTECTORS

Today I am appealing for readers to send peaceful thoughts to Dakota. Considering I do not watch the news (which would probably be falsified anyway), I am continually being made aware of the problems at Standing Rock by people on site.  Healthy water gives life and burial places should remain sacred.  The interesting thing is […]