New Therapy Available in Edinburgh from 23rd July 2018!

I’m excited to be sharing my new therapy. Those of you that know me are aware that I have talked about The Sun Ancon Chi machine for years. The company that makes them also has the Soqi Hot House and Soqi Infra red Heat pad. I have wanted to get my hands on these for years. It finally happened and I am pleased to say they are living up to my expectations. I hurt my back recently. As I usually use my Sun Ancon Chi machine at this time I could not access it as was unable to move a Therapy couch out of the way. That will teach me where to put it in future.

I found great relief in using the Heat pad.  This was so easy. all I had to do was lie down on a bed. In fact I have fallen asleep using it. It knocks out the aches and pains and helped me to get a better nights sleep. When I was then able to use the Hothouse, I found this too gave me relief. Both deliver heat as well as Far Infrared rays. On the 4th day I managed to move the couch and used the Chi machine. With only 5 minutes use I found my mobility improved. Just lying on the floor while it did its job was  bliss.

I’m not one to go running to the doctors and love having these in my home as well as reiki on hand wherever I go.

I have loved letting family and friends use the new equipments and getting feedback from them. This is what someone said recently I recently tried the hothouse and heat/infrared pad for a very painful hip. I had an hour treatment and it was almost miraculous! From not being able to sit or stand without pain, I was totally pain free! I can thoroughly recommend this treatment.”

My family have had relief from pain too. I’ll soon begin to think they are not coming to visit me lol.

Until the end of August you can book the new Therapy for the reduced price of only £50 for one hour of use. As you can also use the Heat Pad with reiki, I will discount that to £45.

 Here is a video of a friend of mine trying out my new equipment My You tube channel.