Putting your thoughts out there.

I often talk about reiki helping to make you more positive. Sometimes though, even I need to remember where my thoughts go.I should know better! A couple of months ago I was thinking it was taking time to build up clients in East Lothian. I then realised I was getting some from the Portobello area in Edinburgh. As soon as I acknowledged this I got more bookings over the next couple of days from the same area. I was then talking to a couple of students about running a reiki share once I trained a few more people in East Lothian. The very next day, someone from East lothian contacted me for training! In the space of a week 3 people booked in from East Lothian!

As I had not been busy, my income had not been as good as it was in Edinburgh. I had been thinking about my lack of money. Of course, as I was thinking of this, it continued. As soon as I realised where my thoughts were taking me, I changed them. Instead of thinking I could not have something, I changed my mindset and the money started to come in! One of the ways was changing to Utility Warehouse as a customer. I saved myself approx £600 which blew me away. I then became a partner to help others. This in turn gave me extra income too.

If you have been following my blog you will realise that I always come from a place of wanting to help people. I now love that I can help people who visit me for a session of reiki, to de stress as well as help people to have more money in their pockets. You can also contact me to find out how to become a partner, like me, and help your friends save money too!
One way we can help others in our local area is to grow vegetables to share. Last year my next door neighbours had some from me. As I now have a large greenhouse and whisky barrels, I am hoping to have even more to share this year.