Helping You In These Times

Hi everyone. In these uncertain times, many people are now worrying about loss of job, income and health. I take my hat off to those that have school aged children at home. Check out resources online that may be able to help you in keeping the children entertained.

My therapies have closed due to advice from both insurers and the UK Reiki Federation. To help me keep busy, as well as giving you relief, instead of seeing people in person, I am offering distant reiki. The cost of this will be £20 and you only need 20 mins in your own home. That means there is no worry about cross contamination from leaving your house.

As well as this I can make you a personal meditation to help ease your stress. As we know, many children will be getting stressed after seeing this in their parents. I am able to make a little video for them, taking them on a journey and can incorporate whatever is needed for the individual child. Here is one ( not professionally done!) that I did for my Granddaughter to help with stress. Youtube

I have also reduced the cost of my Sun Ancon Chi machines. All you have to do is add the code £50 off! when ordering. This can help all the family to exercise, relieve pain and stress. If you are unable to get outside, it helps you to keep exercising your body.For use from age 4 to the elderly. You can see more about the fantastic machine here.


If you are strapped for something to read and are interested in reiki, check out my book on Amazon.

If you are lucky enough to still be getting your wages, please remember all the small businesses like mine. It may be that you can buy a gift voucher for the future. Most important, please help those that are in isolation. There will be many elderly and vulnerable neighbours around us. Even a phone call can help them stay connected.



Keep well everyone.